A Poem by Bharat P.Bedi
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few days prior to this day,
my heart was attacked,
I collapsed, panic spread,
luckily my wife
gathered her wits,
pumping thumping,
she brought life back to me,
rushing me to a hospital,
critical, under doctor’s care,
surgery was scheduled,
last year on this very day,
procedure was successful,
my heart was repaired,
adding life to my life;
Few seconds of bad time,
was not recorded of life,
memory erased,
lost in time,
to give me a
new lease of life,
in that time,
for my wife, the world
turned upside down,
in that few seconds,
she lived a horrific time,
thanks to her,
I revived normal,
with no memory of trauma,
turmoil I had caused;
For some reason,
unlike last two times,
my Heart didn’t flutter
with anxiety and worry,
accepting the fate,
mind remained calm,
helping to cope as balm,
maybe it may be to the
expert team of Doctors,
maybe maturity of age,
maybe the sense of satisfaction
of fulfilling obligations,
duties of my life,
or maybe the belief,
that I have lived my life,
there is no major wish,
nothing more to do in life,
God’s will and grace,
has helped me to
bounce back to Life.
Poem by Bharat P. Bedi
link to read all other Poems in Prose n Poems blog https://prosenpoems30.blogspot.com/search/label/Poems
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