Excerpt from the Book “KARMA LINGA” by Bharat P. Bedi

God has created this beautiful world for benefit of all. Everything in this planet is of use to inhabitants of this planet. There is a purpose behind every aspect of this creation. There is abundance of beauty, wealth & natural resources which provided us nutritious food as well as medicinal benefits. Nothing in this planet is a waste. One thing compliments other. One’s bane is other’s boon. One’s survival is other’s food.

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Plant Kingdom or Foliage is the Earthing of Earth. Earthing or Grounding protects us from the devastating effects of power surge of Nature. Nature also acts as a Catalyst by inspiring/guiding us through its selfless actions of whole heartedly giving the best to us/Inhabitants of this planet thus ensuring that we enjoy the journey of Life fully & fruitfully.

We are God`s creation & every creator always wants good for its creation. He has planned & provided for everything which can be of help to us. He has given us everything in abundance. It is for us to harness it in a productive way & utilise it as per needs. All beings, other than Human being, have a very limited perspective of life. Its life knowledge is limited to the area which he can survey. His development & his quest are limited to what is within his view. Other thing which compels him to explore is to feed his hunger & survival.

All other beings, except humans, live like a frog in a well. As the frog can`t see beyond the well he feels that there is no life beyond the well. Humans are different. Humans have an evolved brain which has helped them to scale great heights. This aspect of knowledge has helped it to bring many improvements & inventions which has helped to improve life in general. We have been able to harness natural resources for benefit of mankind. With the ability to better utilise resources we have manipulated & misused our ability to feed our greed. This has resulted in exploitation & erosion of gifts provided to us by God.

Like beings on land we have a whole world which is living in water. They are known as aquatic animals. They have a world of their own. Some of the aquatic animals have evolved themselves to adopt themselves to live on land as well as water. Their body structure & living ways are very different from beings living on land but they also depend on all those elements provided by God. They also require air, water, light & other resources to survive.

Aquatic beings & beings living on land are capable of moving from place to place. They can move from one place to another as per their convenience in search of food & security. There is one living species on Earth which has limited mobility but is the balancing factor for proper functioning of this world.

Link to read the Book "KARMA LINGA"

Plant kingdom, Animal kingdom & Aquatic kingdom are the three operating kingdoms on Earth. Of the three, Plant kingdom is the fulcrum around which efficient working of all functions of the Earth depend. They are the silent warriors which guard us from all the impending calamities.

With creatures, God has also created foliage. Various varieties of plants, trees, creepers & other things are great provider of lifegiving resources. They are the support system for ecology & other creatures. Natural resources provided by God are life giver & life supporter for all beings.

Whether an insect, reptile, bird, animal, fish, plant, tree, creeper or any being who is surviving on earth is dependent on the resources provided by God. God has not discriminated against any creature. Whatever he has provided is for the benefit of all. Every creature of God has equal right over resources provided by God. Greed of Humans have created imbalance in the world.

Trees give maximum to inhabitants of this world. Trees are the provider for all. Plant kingdom provides us with food, medicines, purity of air, buffer against natural calamities & are a catalyst against many maladies. All this we receive from a miniscule seed. A single seed provides us with innumerable fruits, flowers, oxygen, wood & many more things which sustain us.

We cut, uproot & chop trees for various purposes. All the atrocities we perpetuate on the foliage is because we know that trees will not retaliate. We know that they can`t move on their own & they heal themselves.  Silently they bear all our atrocities & go on providing us all that we require. These attributes we associate with persons of higher values we revere in Saints, Gurus, Prophets & God.

Plant kingdom is the balancing factor for proper functioning of the Universe. I strongly feel that evolved persons whose Soul were unable to transcend from Earth to its Heavenly abode are rooted to Earth as part of the Plant kingdom waiting for their turn to be free from this Karma bhoomi. Its mobility depends on humans, wind, water, Earth & other animal.  Plant kingdom is not capable of movement on its own but they are capable to affect the quality of our life.

Plant kingdom is the stabilising factor of Earth. It is Earth`s Earthing. Foliage controls flow of water from entering from one dispensation to another. It helps keep Saline sea water from sweet river water & marshy shrubs act as barriers protecting land from water. It controls weather & purifies air to give us clean atmosphere to breath. 

It provides fruits, flowers, herbs & much more for benefit of humans, animals, birds, bees, reptiles, insects & to all other creatures of this planet. Proper balance of our Ecological system depends on systematic functioning of Plant kingdom. 

God has created all this for the benefit of its inhabitants. Except humans, all other inhabitants live within their prescribed limits i.e. Dharma. They live within their parameters & follow their dharma.  Human`s dharma is to be Humane. Humans are the only creature that don`t follow their dharma. Instead of properly using we Humans misuse the resources. Humans have evolved brain which helps them to think beyond their immediate focus. This evolved brain is for betterment of self & society in general. Instead of using it for benefit of society we started using it for benefitting self. This greed leads to imbalance in resources & God creation. 

Link to read my Book "KARMA LINGA"



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