It is upon us to make our old age a Waste age or a Best age.

As we grow we acquire many skills, knowledge & expertise. This knowledge, skill & expertise we gainfully employ in our productive age to grow, upgrade & sustain ourselves. Till the time we are in the productive period we struggle & strive to utilize our expertise to upgrade our life. At the time of retirement, we are at the peak of acquired skills & expertise.

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The moment we near retirement or 60 years of age we start losing zest to be productive in life. Especially those who are in service & employed. We feel retirement is the time to sit back on our laurels & relax. Instead of degenerating & becoming a waste it is always better to reinvent our purpose in life. Most of our productive years goes in learning & stabilising our family life. It is totally self & obligation centred. Most of us have a stable life at the time of retirement. This stability should not be a shield to be dormant but should be a reason to do more.

Over 10% population of India & 13% population in the world consist of senior citizens above 60 years of age in 2021. That is nearly 138 million i.e. 13.80 crores people of India i.e. 67 million males & 71 million females. Nearly 1.4 billion people of the world in 2020 are over 60 years of age.

26.88 crores were above 75 years of age in the world.

In 2020 about 26.16% of the Indian population fell into the 0-14 year category.

67.27% into 15-64 age group.

63.74% were into 15-60 years.

6.57% were over 65 years of age.

10.1% were 60 years & above. 

2.84crores or 2.30% of Indian population is above 75 years of age.

Nearly 36.26% of Indian population is nearly non-productive. Out of this 26.16% are in the formative age of 0-14 years of age & 10.1% are over 60 years of age. From this 10.1% nearly 2.30% are above 75 years of age. 7.80% are from 60 to 75 years of age which has potential to be productive. They can be gainfully utilised to use their expertise to benefit society in general.

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This 10.1% of population above 60 years of age are highly skilled & experienced in their respective field & profession due to their long period of experience. Their physical abilities may have diminished but their experience is immense. This ability can be properly deployed to help groom new talent. Looking at advancing age, this talent can be gainfully employed locally to help youngsters gain meaningful skills to earn livelihood.

Psychologically, at retirement, an employed person feels that this is the end of his productive period. This is a vacuum period of life. Some are able to keep themselves occupied whereas majority are unable to use this opportunity. This leads to an idle mind & a physically inactive body to deteriorate at rapid pace leading to ailments which are related more to the mind than body. To avoid this situation, we should get into activity which will help to our mind active and if possible help us to utilise our acquired expertise to help our self as well as others. 

Those who are financially sound should start a new venture to keep themselves occupied as well as generate employment for others. Those who are not so financially sound should use their knowledge & expertise as consultants to gainfully impart practical inputs to optimising result. Skilled persons like carpenters, masons, artists etc. etc. should help youngster in their area to learn skills which will, in future, help them to have livelihood.

Age restricts our movement. Activity should be within vicinity of residence so that travelling could be avoided. Secondly time should be so devoted that family life & our reduced ability is optimally utilized. Skilled workers can be supervisors & mentors. Even after advancing age we can take new work of training apprentice youngsters on the strength of our practical experience.

Link to read all Articles on Spiritual https://prosenpoems30.blogspot.com/search/label/SPIRITUAL

Approximately 54% of our population is under 25 years of age. Nearly 25 crore population is below the definition of primary literacy & out of that at least 15 crore children & youths are bereft of country’s formal education system. About 86% of those between 15 to 59 years of age have no vocational training whereas other 14% had received vocational training through various diverse formal and informal channels.

Advanced Countries skilled labour force is ranging from 52 to 96% whereas we have only 5% of our labour force who has undergone any formal skill training. Just one in five Indian in the labour force is skilled according to the just released Human Development Report 2020. We can easily help in improving this situation. We may not be able to educate but we can try to impart practical training to improve technical skills.

One skilled person can easily make many novice gain knowledge & expertise. Even if half of 10.1% helps 1 person to be capable of livelihood then nearly 5 crore persons will benefit from this effort. This will have a cascading effect in raising our skilled work force. This initiative should be taken up as a mission to improve earning ability of our fellow beings. This will also help our Country to progress at a faster rate & with pride. Worldwide we will be force to reckon with.

The only precaution we have to take is that we should restrict our area of operation in the vicinity of our residence. This way we will optimise our failing faculties. This way we will be able to plan our time between rest, family duties, other social obligations & new innings of giving more to society/Country. 

This new innings of life should be for giving benefits & not taking. Earning should not be the sole criteria of activity. We always calculate result of our efforts in terms of monetary benefits & not in terms of social duties. Money is of primary importance even after retirement. It is felt that any effort from our side should result in monetary benefits. Nearly all of our life has gone in pursuit of benefits & gains for self or for family. Now we should give a rest to it & work for giving our worth to benefit society.

Our culture has been very vocal about devoting retired life in pursuit of spiritual upliftment. In short, they preach that we should leave greed for materialist things & work for spiritual upliftment. It is said that we should devote our time in service of the Almighty & the best way is to be of service to Almighty's less privileged beings. Helping needy or less privileged will give more value to our devotion & spiritual development. Sense of achievement & satisfaction will be of highest degree when we see the fruits of our efforts give benefit to those who really need it. Being a source of benefit to fellow beings gives the highest level of spiritual attainment.  

Link to read all Articles on Motivational https://prosenpoems30.blogspot.com/search/label/MOTIVATIONAL 

Link to read all Articles on Spiritual https://prosenpoems30.blogspot.com/search/label/SPIRITUAL







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