Part of “WHAT AM I” series of Articles by Bharat P. Bedi.

Click the link for all Articles & Poems on https://prosenpoems30.blogspot.com

I can only say that I am a body which after birth is identified by a Name, Family, Caste, Community, Country & Religion. All this identifiable tabs are received after birth but we are not aware what constitutes our creation. It is preached that before we get all the manmade identities at birth we are born with God given Soul which powers our body & Karmas which governs quality of our life. 

At Birth we are 2/3rd of Intangible (Spiritual) i.e. Soul n Karmas & 1/3rd of Tangible (Material) i.e. Body & the material world around us. The least that is expected from us is to maintain the equation of Tangible & Intangible with which we are born with.

As we grow we get enamoured by the material world around us & forget about our spiritual obligations. This results in reversing our life’s ideal ratio. Materialistic pursuits get a bigger share of our attention leaving no space for spiritual growth.

Click the link  for all Articles under "What Am I"  https://prosenpoems30.blogspot.com/2022/04/what-am-i.html

In today’s world there is no concerted attempt to effectively explain & seriously imbibe in us the benefits, reasons & purpose of righteous way of life. From birth we are coached to be capable of earning by any means to survive in this materialistic world but nobody teaches us about the real intrinsic worth of our existence. 

Soul gives life to a body. Soul is not aware & affected by the form to which it gives life. That is the reason that the lowliest or the creepiest or the ugliest or the most disgusting or any living being has the inherent quality to defend his life. Nobody willingly wants to die. Their first reaction is to protect themselves from the attacker & take offensive action to save their life. If soul was aware of quality of its form it would on its own try to finish its existence in that life form at its earliest instead of trying to save & defend its life.

Dharma is not the manmade religion, as we understand in today’s world, but the laid down divine norm of duties for a body or life form. Except Humans, all creatures stoically bear the effects of past Karmas without deviating from the prescribed Dharma of that body or life form. That is the reason their upliftment is faster than of human beings. Only humans try to find ways to try & escape the destined sufferings. In doing this we deviate from our prescribed Dharma of being Humane. Instead of accepting we adopt all means to wriggle out of our sufferings thus getting more entangled in the trap of karmas. 

Click the link below to read all Articles on Spirituality in Prose n Poems blog prosenpoems30 https://prosenpoems30.blogspot.com/search/label/SPIRITUAL

All religions in the world preach the same righteous path of Universal brotherhood & Piety defined by God, our Creator. Our main purpose in every birth should be in trying to lessen the burden of our bad karmas. The best & easiest way is never to leave the righteous way of life despite facing many difficulties & hardship which we encounter in present life because of our accumulated bad karmas.

Soul & Karmas come with us at birth & will go with us when we die. Soul & Karmas are eternal till the time it is on Earth because its life span is not limited to the life span of the body it occupies. Some believe that Soul & Karmas are part of our body & they perish when we die. We have also read in religious texts about eternal Soul & effects of Karmas. 

Click the link below to read the Book "KARMA LINGA" by Bharat P. Bedi on Spirituality in Prose n Poems blog  https://prosenpoems30.blogspot.com/search/label/KARMA%20LINGA 

We are born with a DNA of a life form as per the dictates of Karmas. DNA means DEEDS NEEDS ASPIRATIONS. We qualify for a DNA as per the Quality of Deeds done to satisfy Needs & fulfil Aspirations. Deeds mean Karmas. All living creatures, including humans, are result of accumulated karmas. Accumulated good Karmas will give us a better evolved life or life form & bad Karmas will result in degradation of Life or Life form.

Karmas are the governing factor that determines quality of our Life & the Life form we will be born in. Soul carries the bundle of accumulated Karmas. Soul is the God part which gives power to all the faculties of our body as per dictates of our accumulated karmas. We are preached that Soul powers our existence & Karmas determine quality of our life. That is the reason we find so many with mental & physical deformities since birth. We also find youngsters struggling with reducing capabilities of faculties & suffering many ailments. 

This is part of series of articles under the heading “WHAT AM I” to understand the real purpose of our existence on Earth in simple layman’s terms.

Click the link below to read all Articles on Spirituality in Prose n Poems blog prosenpoems30

Click the link below to read the Book "KARMA LINGA" by Bharat P. Bedi on Spirituality in Prose n Poems blog  https://prosenpoems30.blogspot.com/search/label/KARMA%20LINGA 

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