Every matter on Earth has a Rhythm or Vibrational Energy or a Heartbeat which radiates an Electromagnetic frequency. This frequency creates an Energy field called as Aura around a Human body or any animal or object. The Aura which radiates from our body can be Positive or Negative depending on the Vibrational energy emanating from our body.

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Earth has a heartbeat or Vibrational Frequency of 7.83 Hz. The important parts of the human body’s individual vibration frequency are generally located in about 3Hz-17Hz. Normal healthy body has a frequency of 62 to 72 MHz because the human body has vibrational frequency down to the cellular level.

Many a times we can sense that a person around us is angry or happy or troubled or excited even without saying a word. Likewise we may feel extreme dislike or distrust or hatred or fear from a total stranger. There are occasions when we feel a sense of love or empathy or attachment towards a person we have never met before. These feelings are because we are able to sense the vibrational aura around that person. Positive Aura attracts & Negative Aura repels.    

Our Vibrational frequency is divided in two parts i.e. Contracted & Expanded. Expanded frequency is Positive virtues starting from Courage to the highest level of Enlightenment. When our mind is Positive & our body is functioning optimally then all our organs vibrate at best & higher frequency. This helps our body’s immune system to protect us as well as lead us to a path of spiritual upliftment.

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Contracted frequency is Negative attributes starting from the lowest level of Shame & rises up to Pride. Whereas when we are controlled by Negativity our bodily functions work erratically thus resulting in fluctuations in our vibration.

To be healthy we should vibrate at par with Earth or higher. For humans with a higher vibration, infection is a minor irritant that is soon eliminated. So we should aim to *Vibrate Higher* to get following benefits:

1. Increased care & kindness flow more automatically in our Relations.

2. We are more clearly minded & self-secure in our choices & actions.

3. Our mind & emotions interact more harmoniously to situations.

4. We deflect & handle common stress triggers – frustrations, impatience, intolerance, etc.,

5. We are much more resilient & resistant to fears & self-doubt.

6. Our heart’s deeper care is not overridden by our disruptive mind & emotions.

7. The lift in our attitude wards off anxiety, excessive worries & overwhelm.

8. We tend to lift others & the environment when our vibration is up.

9. Mega stress accumulation is prevented as we are less judgemental & intolerant with others & ourselves.

10. Lifting our vibration amplifies our intuitive heart feelings for better choices & outcomes.

What helps us vibrate high?

1. Higher vibration is also the outcome of Positive behaviour & Attitude like: Gratitude, Love, Joy, Peace, Acceptance, Compassion, Understanding, Highly Intuitive, Present in the moment, Patient, Forgiving, Smiling, Blessing, Thanking, etc.

2. Places & Activities which give us Peace & Joy helps in raising our vibrations. Playing, Painting, Singing, Dancing, Yoga, Meditating, Walking in the Sun, Exercising, Enjoying nature, etc.

3. Healthy & Natural Foods that the Earth gives us: seeds, grains, cereals, legumes, fruits and vegetables, Drinking water, pure air & all that the nature provides us help us to vibrate higher.

Enlightenment has the highest frequency of 700+ and the greatest expansion of energy.

The frequency of Unconditional Love and Universal Compassion for all living beings is 528 Hz and more.

Generosity, Gratitude, Neutrality, Acceptance, Reason & other positive attitudes has a range above 200 Hz.

The vibration of prayer alone goes above 350 Hz.

A Ringing Temple bell has a vibration of 400 Hz & above.

So sing, laugh, love, meditate, play, give thanks, live & vibrate.

The vibrational frequency of joy is 540 & is expansive.

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The important parts of the human body’s vibration frequency are generally located in about 3Hz-17Hz. The vertical vibration of the human body’s sensitive range is located in 6Hz – 8Hz. It has been shown that a normal healthy body has a frequency of 62 to 72 MHz because the human body has vibrational frequency down to the cellular level.

Earth has a heartbeat of 7.83 Hz. The spiritually inclined will understand that the frequency of the Earth is 7.83 Hz. The base atmospheric electromagnetic resonant frequency is 7.83 Hz. Higher frequency in the body results in better health. So we have to understand to vibrate higher so that the lower frequency does not weaken our immune system.

Our atmosphere is continuously resonating with a radio frequency of 7.83 Hz, along with progressively weaker harmonics at around 14.3, 20.8, 27.3 & 33.8 Hz. at place where cosmic disturbances like lightning & magnetic disturbances are prevalent. This is similar to our body, which is continuously pressurised by external factors. These external factors adversely affects our functioning thus creating varied fluctuations in the normal rhythm/ vibrations of our organs.  

The reasons for having low vibration are Negative virtues: Anxiety, Despair, Sadness, Guilt, Shame, Fear, Phobia, Worry, Suspicion, Stress, Complaining, Tension, Jealousy, Anger, Rage, Hate, Greed, Attachment or Pain.

The effects of Negative thoughts are:

1. Our Body releases acid.

2. Our Aura decreases.

3. Our resistance power decreases.

4. Our system functions are adversely affected.

5. Our heart beat increases.

6. Unwanted hormones are released.

The vibrational frequency of anger is 150 & falls to contraction.

There are places that vibrate very low like: Hospitals, Assistance Centres, Jails, Underground, etc. Here the vibration drops to 20 Hz, or less. Negative thoughts & habits like Pain, Fear, Irritation, Noise, Pride & Superiority create low vibration. Pain has very low vibration from 0.1 to 2 Hz.

The Covid virus has a vibration of 5.5hz and dies above 25.5hz. The virus becomes dangerous for humans with low vibration.

With Negative thoughts we may or may not harm others but we will definitely harm our self. Negative persons reflecting low Vibration live a troubled stressful life. Outwardly they may seem good but mentally they remain unsatisfied & restless.

We don’t have to spend anything to enjoy benefits of Positive Aura of high Vibrational frequency. Low Vibrational frequency points to a person suffering & just getting by in life. As frequency increases there is a positive smooth controlled flow of thoughts leading to a peaceful state of mind & life.

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