Excerpt from my book "PERCEPTION-WHY ME".

Whenever we face Problems, the first question we ask is WHY ME.                          

Why am I suffering & facing Problems when I have not harmed anyone & am always Good & Helpful towards others.

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The question in itself questions the impartiality of God. When we are blessed with good tidings we feel so elated. We feel God is rewarding us for being a good human being. We feel proud & with that egoistic. That time we don’t give a thought to others sufferings. But when we suffer we question God’s wisdom. When we question God’s wisdom we attribute human traits to God. God is above all this that is why we pray to him.

Click the link below for my Motivational Book "PERCEPTION-WHY ME" in Prose n Poems blog prosenpoems30::https://prosenpoems30.blogspot.com/search/label/PERCEPTION%20WHY%20ME 

We judge ourselves by our own yardstick. Our opinion is biased towards others & especially towards ourselves. Our judgement is normally based on what is good & beneficial to us. We forget that God is impartial, very loving & very forgiving. For him all beings are equal. His blessings are based on our karmas. Bad karmas can’t give us God’s benevolence.

God, for our convenience, can be compared to Mother on Earth.

It is widely accepted that, on Earth, Parents are the Representative of God. Especially Mother. Like God, she nurtures, protects & guides her offspring towards the tried & tested path, the Right path, which has withstood vagaries of time. She dotes & pampers her offspring but to keep her wards on the right path she will not spare the rod. The offspring will cry, rave, rant & curse the Mother for the punishment meted out by her for his mistakes –Karma- but the next moment, when he feels okay, he forgets his past Karmas for which he was punished & again starts enjoying himself. Same is the case with us.

Human form is a precious gift given by God to our Atman. It is the highest form of being by which we can be helpful to the society & also uplift our Atman to Moksha. It is like our parents presenting us with a precious gift like a computer. Computer can be used for generating knowledge & growth of our overall potential. How our Parents will feel if we utilize it for all the wrong purposes. They will feel betrayed, cheated, angry & annoyed with us. They will punish us to bring us to the right path.

If our past karmas were good than their anger will be more because, they didn’t expect this from us. Naughty child is expected to trouble everybody & he gets so used to scolding, beating & reprimands that the effect on him is negligent. Whereas a sensitive child is easily hurt & takes any kind of reprimand to heart. He feels that nobody cares for him & his misdeamour didn’t deserve this punishment. Same principle applies to relations between God & his creations.

The Deeds –Karmas- add up to form his image & character for the future. Past record – Karmas - decides the level of punishment meted out by the authorities selected by society to keep us firmly on the right path, i.e. Parent, Teacher, Society, Law & other institutions. The norms which have been set & tested through centuries. These norms have come to be known as customs & traditions by which the qualities of our karmas are categorized.

General norms regarding ideal behavior are listed down from our holy texts & traditions regarding our moral obligations & duties towards the Society at large. When we drift from the stated path then it is said that our Karmas are not good, for us & especially for the Society. Severity of punishment for our Karmas depends upon the laid down norms of what is reasonably acceptable & what is totally avoidable. Repetition of mistakes i.e. regular misdeamour like fights will have lighter punishment than heinous crimes like murder or rape.  

In this world punishment for our karmas has been categorized according to the limited knowledge we have. They are a part of the rules & regulations governing the Universe. This knowledge has been gained & imparted to us by the Saints & Prophets. Managing this world is such a hard job than we can imagine management of the Universe.

God is not bound by any religion or faith. He is bound by our devotion & faith combined by our good karmas. Our salvation depends upon our karmas. God has extended a rope to us. One end binds us by our karmas & the other end binds God thru our devotion. Bad karmas will tighten the noose & good karmas will loosen the hold of this world on our atman. Good karmas with devotion & faith towards the almighty will lead to a place near Him. Our Atman will attain the ultimate goal – Moksha. 

Karmas – Past & Present – decide the severity of punishment. In this world it is according to our laid down rules & regulation where our body is the sufferer but in the realm of the Supreme Being the Soul – Atman - is the sufferer as it is governed by rules of the Universe whose control is with the Ultimate Creator --God.

God, like mother suffers more, when he has to be severe & metes out punishment for bad Karmas. After all we are a part of God. We suffer for our Karmas but forget our mistakes as soon as we are back to our normal routine. We don’t try to learn from our past Karmas & rectify them. God suffers more because we are a part of him. He wants us to follow the simple path he has laid down for us. He wants us to be near him & attain Moksha.

The simple rule for all Human being is to be Humane, Consistently Humane & not as per our wish & convenience. All creatures & living beings in this world act & react according to their prescribed nature. Human beings are prescribed to act Humane with all beings but Humans rarely do so. Being Humane means loving all creations of God. Our Karmas rarely are positive in this aspect. This way we accumulate negative Karmas. Past Karmas plus Karmas accumulated in this Birth are the cause of our sufferings.

When we say that, when I have not harmed anyone why am I suffering. Who are we to judge our capabilities? We are not perfect. We are prone to a mistake that is why we are humans & not God. But to be aware of mistakes & rectifying them is the humane path. This is God’s way of guiding us to the right path. He punishes us because he wants us to remember our mistakes. He wants us to make amends. Punishment will help us keep in mind the consequences of bad karma. God wants us to be free of Birth cycles & attain Moksha. This can be achieved by clearing the Debts of bad karmas by accumulating good Karmas.

The point, which should be elaborated, is that our Present Karmas are able to clean the bad effects of our Past Karmas. What we call as suffering is actually God’s way of helping us to speed up the process of clearing our debts & to prepare us to be worthy of attaining Moksha. Which means, we will rise above this Human form? We will be free from the cycle of Birth & Death. When our Karmas are bad we fall to a lower life form but when they are good we become eligible for a better life form i.e. above this human form. 

So when we say WHY ME we should understand rules & regulations governing this Universe. God is preparing us to be worthy of being elevated from a Human Being to one who will reside near HIM.

To succeed in anything we have to prepare our self to be worthy of that particular thing. To acquire knowledge we have to work & study hard to attain any particular degree or position. For gold to be attractive it has to go through the process of intense fire & severe pounding to acquire beautiful design & shape to attract customers.

In the same way when we want to achieve the ultimate then we should be capable enough to aim for that. We judge our capabilities according to our limited knowledge & perceptions. Our capabilities should pass the standards set by Gods to let Humans be able to get proximity of God. 

If we are used to wear dirty clothes our efforts will be to wash it & not make it spotlessly clean. But if we are used to wearing spotless & clean clothes our efforts will be to wash away all the dirt & stains off the clothes.

Dirtier clothes require more vigorous & strenuous efforts to clean it. It is the same with the stains of bad karmas on our soul. We want to achieve the best without any extra efforts. But God has the same criteria for all. When he wants to grant Moksha to a deserving soul he makes sure that whatever flaws are there are first sorted out. His efforts are to cleanse & purify us of our bad karmas.

He is preparing us to be worthy of being close to him. We feel being punished & penalized. Our perception is as per the limited knowledge we have of this world. We have to raise our level to perceive & understand God’s Perception. 

For clearing all our impurities he is putting us in the fire to clear our bad Karma’s so that we can be capable of being near him. We should help God by being positive in trying situations. When misfortune befalls we go into negative mould. We start wallowing in self pity. Life becomes a burden. We become irritable, intolerant & an avoidable parasite. This aggravates the situation. We become a recluse. Totally negative. But if we look around we will see many who are facing far better problems than us. Problems which we would not like our enemies to suffer.

When, we feel that nobody can understand or reduce our sorrow than we should try to understand others problems & help them cope with it. This way we will be helping our self. Our mind will remain occupied. Instead of receiving others curse we will receive their blessings. Our negative thoughts will get converted to positive energy. This way we will be beneficial to the needy & convert our bad karma to good karma.   

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Click the link below for my Motivational Book "PERCEPTION-WHY ME" in Prose n Poems blog prosenpoems30::https://prosenpoems30.blogspot.com/search/label/PERCEPTION%20WHY%20ME

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