Part of  “WHAT AM I” series of Articles by Bharat P.Bedi.

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The path to a perfect product is always littered with failed prototypes & innumerable variants leading to the final product.

There is a purpose & reason behind every creation. No creation is a fluke, whimsical or is just for fun. Every creation has been to satisfy specific need & fulfil a purpose. Manmade creation is to improve quality of life whereas God’s creation is to maintain ecological balance & to create a better evolved subsequent life with higher Consciousness/Intellect.

Every new creation is always from lowest basic form. First creation is always the crudest of crude but is the inspiration for future growth & improvement. In pursuit of refining the first crude creation/invention we always spawn many more refined & improved variants of the same product. From these improved variants a final prototype is selected to be developed for use. Quest for the perfect product gives birth to many varieties of useful products.

Please click the link below to read my previous post "SPIRITUAL UNIVERSE" a part of "WHAT AM I" series of Articles.

When we start using the new creation then only we come to know about its shortcomings & its utility. This paves way for many improved variants & new advanced products. We have improved from basic crude tools to very sophisticated super computers & machines. Step by step we are creating/inventing better products to upgrade & improve quality of our life.

Click the link below to read all Articles on Spirituality in Prose n Poems blog prosenpoems30

We are following in the footsteps of God, the ultimate creator. God had followed the same process in creating life & the laws governing our existence. Life on Earth was a step by step process of creation. First Earth was created by God then all other creatures & creations were created from the elements which are present on Earth. Life on Earth started from smallest microorganisms & improved further to be categorized into insects, reptiles, aquatic, birds, trees, animals, human and many more creatures.

Click the link below to read the Book "KARMA LINGA" by Bharat P. Bedi on Spirituality in Prose n Poems blog 

There are 5 basic life forms i.e. Piscean, Amphibians, Reptiles, Mammals & Birds. They are further divided into many variants within those particular life forms. That is why we find nature of people as fishy, slippery, venomous, creepy, flirty, ferocious, shifty, aggressive, docile, faithful, etc.    

Every category has a unique DNA which has evolved & created many variants within its own category. We are created from the elements of Earth that is why every category of species has some similar elements in their DNA. Intake of combination of the Elements present on Earth helps our body to sustain itself.   

It was not Evolution or any other kind of theory. Evolution theory is based on the idea of all species being related keeping the original as it is but changing gradually spawning new species over a period of time. Creature of a particular DNA will conceive creature of similar DNA & not of any other DNA. There can be lateral variants of similar DNA due to survival instincts or other factors but there can’t be creation of a totally different species.

All creations of God are animated beings. They have the ability to develop new things from the natural resources made available to them by God. All God’s creation can think independently, perform on its own, energise itself, reproduce, grow in size & strength, heal itself & do many more things to improve on its original resources. Every creature is interdependent on each other for survival & maintaining balance of nature. We are self-destructive with a specific period of life span. We disintegrate to merge with nature.

All manmade gadgets are inanimate objects. It cannot do things on its own but can do only that which we humans have programmed them to do with external power source. Inanimate objects don’t easily disintegrate & merge with nature. Manmade creations are all for benefitting self, improving standard of life, reducing burden of work with least concern for its adverse effects on our ecology & environment.

God has a specific purpose & reason for all the creatures on Earth. Nothing is useless or waste. We all are interdependent on each other for survival. All creations are self-regulating, self-sustaining & self-destructing. We all are created from the elements & we all disintegrate & merge with the elements. Purpose of our living life is to contribute in maintaining Earth’s ecological balance & also on death.

This is part of series of articles under the heading “WHAT AM I” to understand the real purpose of our existence on Earth in simple layman’s terms.

Click the link below to read all Articles on Spirituality in Prose n Poems blog prosenpoems30

Click the link below to read the Book "KARMA LINGA" by Bharat P. Bedi on Spirituality in Prose n Poems blog 

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