Excerpt on Benefits of Virtue of Devotion from my book 



Devotion towards our creator & our assigned duties. Devotion gives us a single pointed aim towards our goal. It is said that we should not sail in two boats. It means we should take one task at a time. Whatever we do should have our full devotion then only we can succeed. Divided devotion means lack of interest & faith in the success of that work. If there is more than one task in hand, than, our mind gets distracted. Instead of concentrating on achieving our goal our mind will be distracted on keeping our multiple tasks on target. Time & energy will be wasted in trying to keep the balance. 

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When our thoughts are fragmented how are we going to achieve success in our assigned vocation. Success of our assigned vocation depends upon how devoted we are towards our goal. Devotion involves faith & it is said that Faith can move mountains. Unflappable devotion demands faith & faith demands determination.

Combination of these three qualities assures success. When we rue that others are prospering but the elements are conspiring to create obstacles in our path of progress, we ignore or try to cover up our own shortcomings.

When we make an example of a successful person we should also try to learn about the efforts that Person has put in & the sufferings he has to go through before he reached that position. Determination to succeed requires total devotion towards the work in hand. The three qualities which determine your success are full faith in your abilities, devotion towards the work in hand & determination to succeed.

Devotion brings with it focused & unwavering concentration, high level of interest in the work in hand, commitment & a sense of attachment. When all these things combine it brings out the best from you. Attachment to anything means personal involvement. Personal involvement will always bring out the best from you. Combination of all these things is an assured recipe for success.

Humane in nature will help in developing lasting relationship. Patience will help in fruitfully sustaining that & devotion will instill stability to it. Devotion requires determination & steely resolve to stand firmly for our convictions. These qualities help better inter personal relationship. For anything to succeed you need a strong bond & relationship.   

We pray, go to temples, religious discourses & satsang as a show of devotion to God. But are we really devoted or it is just a façade. Our devotion is up to a point. Beyond that we start questioning God’s existence. We demand proof. We have more faith in tangible things & relations than our Creator. We put more faith & trust in our dear ones when history is a proof that they are fickle minded. Only reason behind this trust is that they can be seen & felt. When they are away then their memory sustains the relationship. 

God is not a tangible thing. Its presence can’t be touched & felt. We have to feel his presence. He is omnipresent. His presence is visible in his every creation. In flowers, in fragrance, in nature, in fruits, in their qualities, etc., etc. Every creation is a part of the Almighty. Without his control this universe will be in chaos. When we see milk do we see ghee, butter, fat & curd in the milk? Superficially we enjoy every creation of God but we rarely see the intrinsic presence of God within. We bow in front of idols & statues but not to the God within us. We revel in the memory of our beloved & trust their intentions but are not ready to feel the presence of God around & within us. We are selfish. We want our problems & desires should be preferentially treated. If not we start questioning intentions. We are blind to our lack of trust, devotion & faith

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